Roles: Research, Visuals, Concept | Duration: 1 month


In the online food world, there are 2 primary categories of users:

1) Users who post recipes (influencers, bloggers, etc)

Pain point: These users need to reformat their recipes to meet the needs of their followers across several platforms, which can be a hassle considering different content formats and transitions befitting to each respective platform.

2) Users who look for recipes.

Pain point: These users tend to save these recipes into their ‘Saved’ folder on various apps, and locating these recipes can be a cumbersome process.

HOW MIGHT WE create an app that allows experts and novices alike to explore their cooking and baking interests in a simple and practical manner?

User interviews


Ages: 18-42

Total: 12


  • How many times a week do you cook at home?

  • Do you live alone?

  • What are your favorite ways to look up new recipes?

  • Where do you save your recipes?

  • What is the first app you use to look for recipes?

  • Do you have any dietary restrictions?

  • What social media apps do you utilize the most frequently?

 User Personas

The primary goal of Our Table was to create a centralized app for users to create, save, and explore recipes, hassle-free.


Information Architecture

Sketches to low-fidelity prototypes

Usability Testing


5 participants total (age range 19-42)


  1. Locate the following buttons in this order: “new post” button, “search” button, and “profile settings” button

  1. Attempt to “edit” your personal information.

  2. Post a new recipe (photos, recipe information provided)


After organizing all notes from the moderated usability study into themes, the following insights were deduced:

  1. Based on the theme that all users did not have any concerns about the color design of the homepage, these color themes should be maintained in final product

  2. Based on the theme that 2 out 5 users felt that the structure of the homepage could be confusing, an insight is to make the ‘search’ feature and titles more clear to users.

  3. Based on the theme that 3 out of 5 users felt that the recipe posting process had limited functionality, an insight is to add an ‘edit’ feature and ‘share’ feature

High-fidelity mockups

What would we do differently?

  1. Conduct a second round of usability testing to continue the development of the ‘Messages’ feature

  2. Conduct an unmoderated usability study to collect user feedback without having them navigate towards a specified goal

  3. Integrate a deeper level of inclusivity in the design by factoring different dietary restrictions and lifestyles

Skills gained: wireframing, prototyping, mockups, user flows, information architecture, usability studies, Figma, Adobe XD

This project was one of 3 that were created during the Google UX Certification program, an intensive and rigorous program offered by Google designed to propel aspiring designers to thorough understanding of the design process from end-to-end.



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