Let’s start with a story

Fortunately, she recently downloaded Recap on her phone

An app that utilizes AI to generate quick summaries for articles, plays, and even extremely long texts 🙄

Ella was taking her daily walk during her lunch break when she came across a post that was going viral on the internet for claiming that an ingredient she never used in her food before actually boosted hair growth.

This spiked her interest immediately.

The first thing she did when she arrived home was research the topic on her own to find scientific evidence supporting this viral claim made on the internet. She always likes to make informed decisions.

All of her search results lead her to lengthy articles that looked like this, filled with loads of scientific jargon.

This was frustrating for Ella. She didn’t want to look up what all of the terms she was unfamiliar with meant. After all, she was an Arts Major in college!

She just wanted a quick answer as to whether or not this claim was backed by evidence.

Concept mapping

Mid fi


Next Steps: Recap is still in the ideation phase and is on it’s way to development in early 2024.

As design is an infinitely iterative process, user testing will follow the first round of development to collect user feedback and drive proceeding iterations.

Value proposition: Potential users exist in an time where efficiency and time management is at an all-time high

Target users: Students at all levels of education, journalists, and busy individuals occupied by high levels of work


A better way to create, save, and share recipes